Approximately every 2000 years we start a new AGE. These AGES
go in reverse order of the zodiac because of the precession of the equinoxes
(the Earth wobbles on her axis). Therefore, we are at the exactly first degree
of the sign PISCES and entering into the very LAST degree of the sign AQUARIUS
History, around every age there are major human/earth movements/changes which "black
out" history for 100-400 years. The Age of Aquarius will be fully involved
by the year 2400.
Right now we are in the few hundred year process which is the
transition of the ages, i.e. the CUSP of the AGES. For grail (mandala)
astrologers, we are at the 1st degree of PISCES and the LAST degree (30) of
AQUARIUS. Think of how fast futurized technology (Aquarius) has boomed in the
last 100 years. We are already in the time warp of the Age Change and we're
picking up speed. 1996 was the tee off because the ruler of that Age Uranus
entered its home sign AQUARIUS (near the 2000 yr mark). In 1998 NEPTUNE (the
ruler of the present age) will enter Aquarius and usher in the change of power
between the forces of the ages. Of course, this will wane when they enter
Pisces, but all time waxes and wanes, like Einstein said.
to give any one transit or date for and Age change is funny,
but it should be noticed that that process is under way. The next 3 years
particularly will be quite intense so we need to spread the word regardless of
preconcieved convictions about the "proper" transference of that
information. In 1999 there will be one of the most monumental transit of all our
lives. I'll give you a hint: It is one of the few EXACT dates which the
astrologer Michel Nostradamus stated.....
July 27, 1999 - Universal 4 Square
Nostradamus - Seer / Astrologer
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