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ASPECTS are the meat and drink of astrology and are a reliable indicator of personal, current, or global event. ASPECTS are used to determine current events. An ASPECT is when a planet is at an angular distance from another planet and forms one of the basic angles to that planet. There are 12 signs in the 360 degree constellation belt around earth, so each sign covers 30 degrees of that belt. Planets that are 180 degrees apart are called OPPOSITIONS, about 90 degrees apart is a SQUARE, 120 degrees is a TRINE, 0 degrees is a CONJUNCTION.

Northridge EarthQuake, Los Angeles

The Northridge Earthquake is an example of an ASPECT / EVENT occurence: NEPTUNE in Greek mythology was the earthquake god. NEPTUNE the planet rules earthquakes, the ocean, dreams, illusions, etc. Earthquakes can be predicted by ASPECTS to NEPTUNE. On January 17, 1994, NEPTUNE was at 21 degrees of CAPRICORN. At that time earthquake proclivity was high because URANUS was at 22 deg. CAPRICORN, the SUN was at 26 deg. CAPRICORN, VENUS was at 26 CAPRICORN, then BLAMMO! the planet MARS (considered a challenging planet) moved to 21 CAPRICORN and formed an exact CONJUNCTION with NEPTUNE at about 4 am PDT. At 4:30 am PDT the NORTHRIDGE EARTHQUAKE occurred. "The 5 planet pileup on Neptune". CAPRICORN rules buildings and societal structures, so it was no surprise that there was very little human damage (considering), but there was enormous damage to structures. As you can see, there is a bit to learn for current events prediction, but once grasped can be very informative.



Neptune's Entrance into AQUARIUS signals a great change. Neptune's stay in Capricorn 1984-1998 showed a period of conservativism and structural dissolution. Neptune is the planet of Karma, The Cosmic force which houses us all,"God", The Aether, or "The Other Side" Aquarius is the Sign of Unpredictable Rebellion, Inventive Genius, Freedom Seeking and Universal Brotherhood.

1998-1999 More Predictions coming soon!

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July 27, 1999 - Intense Moment

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